The Foretelling by Alice Hoffman

The Foretelling

by Alice Hoffman

A tribe of warrior women battle for their survival in a harsh environment. Rain, the daughter of their queen, Alina, struggles against her destiny to become queen, to fight and to kill. Followed by a strange prophesy, Rain finds her life will take a new path. The warriors have always maintained their power through violence, but Rain finds a new kind of strength comes from bonds of friendship and love. An immensely powerful and sparely written tale that will capture the imagination of all readers.

Reviewed by Artemis on

2 of 5 stars

I'm a huge fan of Alice Hoffman ever since I first read Practical Magic. She has a way of telling stories that just appeals to me. However the foretelling just wasn't as interesting as I had hoped for. I couldn't connect to the characters like I'm usually able to but this was a slow build.

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  • 18 February, 2016: Reviewed