Reviewed by stressedrach on

5 of 5 stars

I really enjoyed reading Unusual Awakening, it was normal in the most part of a typical teen girl and her struggles with life when her mother shuts herself away thinking her father has died in Afghanistan. There is a boy that Rylee swears she isn't interested in but she gets odd feeling when he is near and doesn't know what it means. She has a great bunch of friends. There is just one person that is odd, and she just so happens to like the Brock too. This does not both Rylee as she isn't allowed to have a boyfriend until she is seventeen but this girl is bothered and will do ANYTHING to keep Brock near her, including witchcraft.

This story was sad, having a father going away to war is difficult for anyone I would imagine, with the not knowing whether they will come home or not. The added suspense with Adysin and not knowing what she might do made it pretty exciting. I was waiting for Rylee to find out about Adysin and whether her father came home. It was also funny in parts was written well and a fantastic read. So much so that I am purchasing book 2 as soon as possible.

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  • Started reading
  • 24 February, 2014: Finished reading
  • 24 February, 2014: Reviewed