All the Ever Afters by Danielle Teller

All the Ever Afters

by Danielle Teller

In the vein of Wicked, The Woodcutter, and Boy, Snow, Bird, a luminous reimagining of a classic tale, told from the perspective of Agnes, Cinderella’s "evil" stepmother.

We all know the story of Cinderella. Or do we?

As rumors about the cruel upbringing of beautiful newlywed Princess Cinderella roil the kingdom, her stepmother, Agnes, who knows all too well about hardship, privately records the true story. . . .

A peasant born into serfdom, Agnes is separated from her family and forced into servitude as a laundress’s apprentice when she is only ten years old. Using her wits and...

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Reviewed by Artemis on

DNF at 20 pages in. The voice of Agnes (? can't even remember now if that was the stepmothers name) just rubbed me the wrong way. I love retellings but this one just didn't take with me.

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  • Started reading
  • 6 June, 2020: Finished reading
  • 6 June, 2020: Reviewed