Override by Heather Anastasiu

Override (Glitch Trilogy, #2)

by Heather Anastasiu

Having escaped the enslavement of the Community and the Chancellor, Zoe is finally free but far from safe as she and Adrien hide at the Foundation, an academy that trains teen glitchers to fight in the Resistance movement.

Reviewed by layawaydragon on

1 of 5 stars

I won this ARC in a First Reads Giveaway. It was supposed to include the first book, Glitch but I received two copies of Override instead. Since my attempts to correct this went no where, it had to wait until I got around to getting Glitch on my own.

I was more worried and resolved when starting instead of excited because of Glitch. Not a good start.

It opens with Zoe in her new home back in The Community grounds to keep her from dying on the surface. My bad feeling got worse with her reminiscing over Max. FUCK HIM! Christ, you fucking idiot.

From there it jumps straight into action that only slows for teen drama. But not before Zoe stupidly suggests going back to save someone who's fucking “head burst like a watermelon.” Her words. (Boy, wonder where she saw that?!?)

Turns out that death was really fucking convenient because they only had a two-seater as a get-away vehicle. So if they didn't die, WTF were Adrian and Zoe going to do? What I imagine: Zoe stupidly saying she'll stay behind (because everything is all her fault, naturally), but Adrian won't allow that so [Watermelon-Head] elects to stay behind. Queue more fucking guilt “Oh woes me”, not that was avoided when [Watermelon-Head] died from enemy fire anyways.

Then more weeping over her brother that just reinforces how she missed clues from the first book about him. And just in case the reader is as stupid as Zoe, foreshadowing is slathered on.

Ugh. Anyways, more drama, more action, more Zoe fucking shit up and only caring about sticking her tongue down Adrian's throat.

Finally, in the Rebel HQ. Glitchers and Rebels do not mix apparently. Resentment and stupidity on both sides. Ex-Revs don't get along with anyone. Adrian is failing to cope with his visions. Zoe can't control her powers. She still feels bad about Max and Molla for some dumbass reason. And all she thinks about and wants to do is make out with Adrian when she's supposed to be training.

She has this moment of “OMG, it's finally sinking it that we're at war and this is super serious guys!” 100 pages in. FFS! Then 8 pages later is back to eye-fucking Adrian in class and not paying attention.

Where is...anything good about Zoe again? She was a wiz-kid when it comes to V-chips in school but apparently is too stupid to understand brain immunology. I'm sure that will come back into play in the third book so she can figure out the V-chip deactivation and save the day conveniently.

More drama. Blah, blah, blah. Relationship on the rocks. Blah, blah, blah. More contemplating Max. “If I deserve a chance at redemption for accidentally getting my older brother killed when I was 4, doesn't he deserve a chance too after purposefully forcing himself on me, lying, and betraying everyone while imagining a fantasy together as Corrupt Officials in luxury and taking advantage of a new Glitcher and leaving her pregnant with my child?”

FFS, ZOE! But that's not enough, let's go charging back into certain death after leaving nameless others just to get the douchebag that's probably (hopefully) fucking dead back.

I made it 20 more pages until Zoe goes barging into Commander's office wanting to run a mission (cuz your last went so well and you make such great decisions?) to get the Glitchers families back. Wanting to risk soldiers who have their own fucking families without thinking about it. Yet she's soooo torn up and guilty after getting so many people killed but doing it again sounds just the ticket. WTF?

Because she's focused on the people she cares about. Soldiers only cross her radar when they die in front of her. Even then, it's all about her. Not about who they are or their families. But “Oh noes, something beyond my control when wrong and it's all my fault!!!”

Godfuckingdamnit Zoe! I gave up after 204 pages. If Zoe wasn't so fucking insufferable, it wouldn't be this hard. I could force myself to finish but I don't hate myself that much. After I put it down last night, I wanted to read again but didn't because I didn't want to return to Override.

The world and set-up is standard dystopian fare but I like it, that's why I read the genre. Same with the plot. And cast generally speaking (though none of these ones jumped off the page nor made me care). But no, let's not be sensible.

Let's have everyone either hate or love Glitchers while trying to use them. So that way, Zoe taking command from the veteran leader sounds better. She's a stupid, sheltered, selfish, self-absorbed, hormone-controlled teen but she'll be better because she tries and cares for “everyone”. Puh-lease.

Fuck Zoe.

I will admit to doing something I don't usually do when I DNF books. I went to the end to find out if I was wrong. I wasn't. It gets worse.

I think I'm going to steer clear of this genre and maybe YA in general for a bit.

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Reading updates

  • Started reading
  • 11 March, 2016: Finished reading
  • 11 March, 2016: Reviewed