Reviewed by inlibrisveritas on

3 of 5 stars

A really interesting and quick story, though a bit vague on the world building.


Sky Song is a super quick science fiction read that has a lot of great ideas, but fell a bit short for me.

Sky Song is a quick and easy sci-fi read with a lot of really cool ideas, but unfortunately not enough detail to truly pull me in. I will admit to being a stickler for details in my fantasy and sci-fi novels. I want to know the when, why, who, what, and how of everything involved…and usually I’m easy to please so long as a book at least touches on each of those things enough to leave me with certainty. Sky Song didn’t quite get there. Our main character, Jacob, is a teen with no true knowledge of who and what he is…he thinks he’s normal, until a mysterious man shows up and he begins to have visions. He finds that he is something called the Seeker, and much rides on his shoulders like the protection of his friends and his people. I loved the description of the Seeker and what it entails, and how they have certain incredible powers…but the downfall came when I wasn’t given any details on what his powers were like or what his months of training truly entailed.

Despite the dearth of information I still enjoyed the story as much as I could, and found myself curious enough to want to continue the series in the end. It’s a perfect read for those down times where you don’t want a weighted read or don’t have the patience for a bunch of lore

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  • Started reading
  • 14 March, 2015: Finished reading
  • 14 March, 2015: Reviewed