Reviewed by Kim Deister on

5 of 5 stars

I truly love Sally's books! Winter Shock is the second book in the series, continuing Cassie and Trenton's story from the first novel, Veil Between Worlds. As much as I loved the first novel, I think I loved this one even more. The intrigue and suspense in this book was even greater than that of the first. For most of the first half of the book, all I wanted to do is reach into my Kindle and slap Trenton silly. His behavior was just as confusing to me as a reader as it was to Cassie, his girlfriend. This truly added to the suspense of the story, as we just couldn't figure what he was up to!

Things to love about Winter Shock...

---The twists and turns. There is so much to left to the imagination, especially in the first half of the book, that it lets the reader's mind jump to conclusions. And just when you think you have it figured out, something happens to change that. The possibilities are wide open and it makes for some fabulous suspense.

---The magic and witchcraft. I love, love, LOVE that the depiction of witchcraft and magic is true to form, with none of the inaccuracies or even degradation that can be found in so much fiction that touches on witchcraft. The author effortlessly weaves knowledge into the story so that everything can be understood even by those who know nothing about true witchcraft. And she does it in a way that doesn't come off as "lecturey" in the slightest.

---The characters. From Cassie and Trenton, to Maeve and Aunt Faye, to Holly and Laine, and all of the others in between... no matter what the role of the character is, they are made to be real people that we can all relate to in some way. I love that!

My recommendation: A definite must read if you enjoy witchy fiction. It's truthful and completely easy to lose yourself in!

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  • Started reading
  • 22 February, 2013: Finished reading
  • 22 February, 2013: Reviewed