Eighth Grave After Dark by Darynda Jones

Eighth Grave After Dark (Charley Davidson, #8)

by Darynda Jones

Charley Davidson has enough to be getting on with. She is, after all, incredibly pregnant and feeling like she could pop at any moment. But, just her luck, twelve deadly beasts from hell have chosen this time to escape, and they've made Charley their target. She takes refuge at the only place they can't get to her: the grounds of an abandoned convent. Before long, Charley also has a new case to hold her attention: the decades-old murder of a newly-vowed nun she keeps seeing in the shadows of the convent.

Add to that the still unsolved murder of her...

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Reviewed by kimbacaffeinate on

4 of 5 stars

Five Caffeinated reasons to call out sick and read Eighth Grave After Dark

  • Jones herself has indicated Eight Grave After Dark is a pivotal novel as we move forward with the series. Questions are answered, significant moments are shared and revelations are revealed! The tale picks up 8 months after Seventh Grave and No Body ends.

  • Charley and Reyes are living in an abandoned convent to protect their soon to be born baby “Beep” and in typical Jones fashion; we have a lot going on. Old friends and allies are popping in, the front lawn is covered with dead people and Charley is ready to pop. A nuptial is about to take place on the grounds, Mr. Wong has magically appeared and is in the corner. Kit shows up with a missing child case. The case Charley was secretly working on produces answers and unexpected results. A young ghost needs help and there is a wailing woman in Charles closet…yeah life is good.

  • It is a character reunion! So many characters begin appearing at the convent and it was delightful seeing them and learning new developments. Jones takes secondary characters and gives them pivotal roles for future novels. Folks you will not be able to set this down. Call your boss now. You need a mental health day.

  • For fans, this book might make you pee your pants a little because we get answers. I am talking big answers! Ones that have driven us crazy for example, “Who is Mr. Wong?” or “Who sent the twelve hell hounds?’ and so much more.

  • Twists, turns and oh baby, Reyes is in trouble! Jones continues to surprise me and it is clear she knows what direction she is taking this story and these characters. It is one hell of ride. While we see some of Charley’s wit and sarcasm and get some heated moments with Reyes this story is much more serious. The ending was brutal but it is not a cliffhanger. Jones likes to deliver these zingers and while it is clear where we are heading the last chapter will bring excitement, tears and have you contemplating driving to New Mexico for an advanced copy of Dirt on Ninth Grave. Unless you are up for a road trip and possible jail time, you will just have to wait like the rest of us for January 5, 2016.

Copy provided by publisher. This review was originally posted at Caffeinated Book Reviewer

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  • Started reading
  • 10 May, 2015: Finished reading
  • 10 May, 2015: Reviewed