The Survivors by Dinah McCall

The Survivors (Wheeler Softcover)

by Dinah McCall

When a passenger plane goes down in the Appalachians, rescue teams start looking for survivors and discover that a five-year-old boy and a woman are missing. Twenty miles from the crash site, Deborah Sanborn has a vision of two survivors, cold, hurting and scared. Over the years she has learned to trust her gift, and she senses these strangers are in terrible danger. She sees a hunter, moving in for the kill. Four generations of O'Ryan men have gathered at the crash site, ready to search for the missing boy, Johnny O'Ryan. His forty-five-year-old grandfather Mike O'Ryan isn't sure what to make of Deborah, but with the snow coming down, she's all they've got to lead them through the mountains. Because not only are they racing against time and the elements...they're up against a killer desperate to silence his only living witnesses to murder.

Reviewed by ibeforem on

4 of 5 stars

I had a hard time putting this down! This was the first Dinah McCall (or Sharon Sala) I’ve read, and I wouldn’t hesitate to read more. The rescue happens rather early in the story, so I wondered what else was going to happen. The weather didn’t disappoint.

My one complaint is that I found it hard to believe that the bad guy would survive as long as he did in the wilderness in bad weather, injured, with very little food and/or water. But I rarely read anything that doesn’t require at least a little suspension of disbelief.

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  • Started reading
  • 1 March, 2007: Finished reading
  • 1 March, 2007: Reviewed