Reviewed by Hixxup on

5 of 5 stars

Book Tour for this book is being held from November 18-22, at a varying amount of Blogs including mine.

I was given an ARC copy of this book, in return for an honest review.

Ascension starts off after everything was said and done in Sacrifice. About like a week or so. After having expelled Calebs demon, making him human, he was to have forgotten all about Celeste. She sure hadn't forgotten about him. Though that wasn't about to stop her from what was needing to be done. To get prepared for the battle, the battle among her and the countess.

In this book secrets are revealed, that have been a lingering question in my mind throughout this series, "who was leaving the scrolls". Other things like another member of Celeste's, Kendall's, and Gabe's family is revealed. More of the past is recovered which made things make more sense. And you take a trip into the spirit realm, though it seemed like a mix between Wizard of Oz and Alice and Wonderland there, it kind of through me for a loop, but really it made sense with the characters in the book. However, the ending, was quite confusing there for a while, but it all came together nicely, and set it up for the next book. Which of course I'm dying to read now lol.

What I loved about this book was that the story line was easy to follow, the world was easy to get sucked into, and the character you just can't help but to fall in love with. What I didn't like about this book is that along with the confusion near the end, there were a few other parts that confused me for a minute, that I felt could have used a little more detail on. But other than that this was another fantastic book from Stacey Rourke.

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  • Started reading
  • 14 November, 2013: Finished reading
  • 14 November, 2013: Reviewed