The Blood King by Gail Z Martin

The Blood King (Chronicles of the Necromancer, #2)

by Gail Z Martin

This is the second installment of the Chronicles of the Necromancer.

Having escaped being murdered by his evil brother, Jared, Tris must take control of his magical abilities to summon the dead, and gather an army big enough to claim back the throne of his dead father. But it isn't merely Jared that Tris must combat. The dark mage, Foor Arontala, has schemes to raise the Obsidian King.

Reviewed by wyvernfriend on

4 of 5 stars

This book actually concludes a story arc started in the previous book. Prince Martris "Tris" Drayke has to learn how to control his abilities with the dead, raise an army and try to wrest control from his brother, Jared, and his co-conspirator Foor Arontala, a dark mage.

I found myself drawn in by the story and eagerly awaiting time I could read more of it, there were times when it lagged a bit and sometimes it was a bit predictable but I cared about the characters and wanted to know what was going to happen next. Knowing that there were more books in the sequence I was surprised that this arc concluded fairly quickly, now I'm curious as to what is going to happen next with the characters and their lives.

Tris is a good character, but I really loved Kiara, who kicked ass and took names very successfully throughout, and has a miniature dragon, how cool is that?

I'm looking forward to more in this series, it isn't earth-shatteringly good but it's very readable.

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  • Started reading
  • 5 December, 2012: Finished reading
  • 5 December, 2012: Reviewed