If You Dare by A. R. Torre

If You Dare (Deanna Madden Novels, #3)

by A. R. Torre

The rules are the same. I can't open the door. I can't leave. I can't kill anyone. The only difference is, I don't set the rules anymore. Guards in grey uniforms do. It is everything I never wanted and everything I always deserved. I write to you now, from a prison cell. My home for the next twenty to thirty years. That's the going term for murder.

Reviewed by Eve1972 on

3 of 5 stars

Unfortunately I was a little underwhelmed with this one...

I wasn't all that crazy with how this one ended. I guess I was suppose to feel something about the whole Jeremy situation, but I really didn't. I blame this on the fact that Jeremy was a really underdeveloped character in this series IMO. After three books I was expecting to at least get a better picture of who he was and what he felt, but nope.

In anycase, overall I enjoyed this series and am glad I gave it a go.

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  • Started reading
  • 16 March, 2016: Finished reading
  • 16 March, 2016: Reviewed