Fall of Night by Rachel Caine

Fall of Night (Morganville Vampires, #14)

by Rachel Caine

Thanks to its unique combination of human and vampire residents, Morganville, Texas, is a small college town with big time problems. When student Claire Danvers gets the chance to experience life on the outside, she takes it. But Morganville isn’t the only town with vampire trouble…

Claire never thought she’d get to leave Morganville, but she can’t pass up the chance to finally attend her dream school, MIT. After all, getting to invent anti-vamp devices with Professor Anderson—a Morganville exile herself—sounds like a dream come true…until Claire realizes that there are sinister forces in play, and she’s not the only one with a vampire-related agenda.

Without her friends Shane, Eve and Michael, surviving a killer schedule may be hard…but with them, it might turn out to be impossible.

Reviewed by Linda on

5 of 5 stars

This and other reviews can also be found on my blog (un)Conventional Bookviews.

Fall of Night is the 14th book in The Morganville Vampires series, and though I love this series, I didn’t think it could surprise me anymore… But I was blown away completely, and could have never seen the impact coming! The ending was so awesome I wish I could now be a fly on the wall in Rachel Caine’s office (or wherever it is she’s writing) so that I could know sooner what will happen next!

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  • Started reading
  • 10 May, 2013: Finished reading
  • 10 May, 2013: Reviewed