Shut Up and Kiss Me by Jessica Lemmon

Shut Up and Kiss Me (Lost Boys, #2)

by Jessica Lemmon

Cade: I tried. I really tried. I should be out of this small town by now, finishing my law degree and partnering up with my buddies, but I couldn’t resist one last street race. Now I’m sidelined in the hospital, and while my injuries will heal, I’m not so sure my voice will return. What kind of attorney can’t talk? Yeah, exactly. I’m afraid that I won’t be able to come back from this... until Tasha Montgomery reawakens every competitive bone in my body.

Tasha: I nearly watched Cade Wilson die on that lonely stretch of road. He’s damn lucky just to be alive, even if he doesn’t realize it. I know he’s destined for bigger and better things, but I don’t mind helping him get there as he relearns everything he took for granted. Cade’s a good student, a real perfectionist; I can tell how much his stutter bothers him. But when he lets his kisses do the talking, everything else disappears. And one day, maybe he’ll be able to tell me that he wants me—as much as I want him.

Reviewed by kimbacaffeinate on

4 of 5 stars

Cade Wilson is the perfect mix of bad boy/good guy. Until a street race left him injured, he was a law student with a plan. He is recovering from his physical injuries and has had time to reevaluate things. The accident left him with a speech problem that includes a stutter. He hasn't exactly been the ideal patient. His Dad hires Tasha Montgomery, a friend and student working towards her physical therapy degree since Cade seems to at least connect with her.

Lemmon's characters had me rooting for an HEA. The romance built slowly beginning with trust as Cade opened up and Tasha let him in. Despite issues with his speech, I enjoyed the way this couple communicated. Lemmon kept their interaction free of the typical drama found in this genre, and I appreciated seeing communication. Even though both are adults, there is interaction with the parents and Lemmon painted a realistic portrait even when conflict arose.

In Shut Up and Kiss Me Lemmon pulled me in, offering moments of laughter, frustration, tears and plenty of curl your toes moments. The tale flowed back and forth between their perspectives by chapter breaks. I really enjoy dual perspectives, particularly in this type of romance, as it allows me to connect. Friends, outside influences, and Cade's stubbornness caused some conflict, but it was realistic and executed perfectly allowing me to slip in and enjoy the romance.

Jessica Lemmon continues to be an author that delivers novels that allow me to escape for a few hours and enjoy. For this reason, she is on my auto-buy list.
Copy provided by publisher. This review was originally posted at Caffeinated Book Reviewer

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  • Started reading
  • 19 November, 2016: Finished reading
  • 19 November, 2016: Reviewed