Selected Poems by Rumi

Selected Poems

by Rumi

The essential poems of the inspirational thirteenth-century Persian philosopher, scholar and mystic

The founder of the order of the Whirling Dervishes, Rumi was also a poet of transcendental power. His verse speaks with the universal voice of the human soul and brims with exuberant energy and passion. Rich in natural imagery, from flowers to birds and rivers to stars, the poems have an elemental force that has remained undiminished through the centuries. Their themes - tolerance, goodness, the experience of God, charity and awareness through love - still resonate with millions of readers around the world.

Translated by Coleman Barks...

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Reviewed by brokentune on

I've been dipping in and out of Rumi's Selected Poems for a couple of weeks and I don't think his poetry is for me.

I'm having the same reaction towards Rumi's work as I had towards Khalil Gibran's The Prophet, ... and Paolo Coelho's The Alchemist. I just want to tell the poems / books to move along and pester someone else.

It just doesn't grab me. So, I'll be passing this book on to a friend who seemed quite interested when I jokingly quoted "let darkness be your candle".

I think Rumi deserves a more patient reader than I am.

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  • Started reading
  • 21 January, 2020: Finished reading
  • 21 January, 2020: Reviewed