Magic Steals by Ilona Andrews

Magic Steals

by Ilona Andrews

Shapeshifting tigress Dali Harimau may be a powerful healer and magic user, but she’s far from what might be called “normal”. She dislikes the violence and bloodshed that are a way of life for most of her kind, even going so far as to become a vegetarian. The last thing she wants is trouble...

Jim Shrapshire is an original, hardcore badass. A jaguar shifter, he’s been tasked with keeping Atlanta’s Cat Clan in line, which he does with swift and lethal force when necessary. His only soft spot is for the petite Dali, whose kindness he calls upon when he is injured.

When Dali is approached by a desperate woman whose grandmother has vanished, Jim is concerned enough to help investigate. But what they find may just be the end of them—an enemy whose skill in the dark arts is matched only by their willingness to kill anyone in their way...

Magic Steals was originally published in the anthology Night Shift

Reviewed by MurderByDeath on

4 of 5 stars

The most recent books in the Kate Andrews series haven't given me much reason to like Jim, the were-jaguar that used to be Kate's partner and is now the Beast Lord, but boy do I like Dali, the vegetarian, near-sighted, white tiger.  She always make me laugh; to me she is a personification of "speak softly and carry a big stick".     This short story is the story of how Jim and Dali became mates and centers on Dali's magic, not Jim's, which is what makes the story so great.  Unfortunately the ending is trite, which diminishes the overall story somewhat, but not enough to ruin it; more like just dinged it a bit.   Definitely catnip for the fans of Kate's world.

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Reading updates

  • 24 October, 2016: Started reading
  • 24 October, 2016: Finished reading
  • 24 October, 2016: Reviewed