The Mask of Ra by Paul Doherty

The Mask of Ra (Amerotke Mysteries, #1)

by Paul Doherty

His great battles against the sea raiders in the Nile Delta have left Pharoah Tuthmosis II frail, but he finds solace in victory and in the welcome he is sure to receive on his return to Thebes. Across the river from Thebes, however, there are those who do not relish his homecoming, and a group of assassins has taken a witch to pollute the Pharaoh's unfinished tomb. Reunited with his wife, Hatusu, and his people, Tuthmosis stands before the statue of Amun-Ra, the roar of the crowd and the fanfare of trumpets ringing in his ears. But within an hour he is dead and the people of Thebes cannot forget the omen of wounded doves flying overhead. Rumours run rife, speculation sweeps the royal city and Hatusu vows to uncover the truth. With the aid of Amerotke, a respected judge of Thebes, she embarks on a path destined to reveal the great secrets of Egypt.

Reviewed by wyvernfriend on

4 of 5 stars

The Pharaoh Tuthmosis II is dead, his wife struggling to keep power and his heir underage. Amerotke is a judge and has to find out who did it. Part of this is his adherence to Maat and part of it is to save himself.

Interesting read. Not spectacular but a nice way to pass some time.

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  • 1 March, 2007: Finished reading
  • 1 March, 2007: Reviewed