Reviewed by zooloo1983 on

5 of 5 stars

I must admit that this book did confuse me at the beginning when I was trying to get my head around all the time travelling and the different divisions within the Observation agency. Once I got passed this and got deeper into the story, I fell in love with Johanna and Traveler and did not want to put this book down and I am really not ready for it to be over!!!

Traveler is sent on a mission back in time from 2365 to 2016, to observe the passing of an old man, no one of any importance. However, this mission means so much more then we could ever know... this is where he meets Johanna and he smells the citrus fruits of her hair before she drops her wallet on the floor and he is mistaken for a wallet thief. Traveler is the type of guy who does not like to follow the rules, hence going back to find Johanna, so you know that this won't end well!

Johanna, living in the present day 2016, is dealing with the loss of her parents four years prior, living with her brother and pregnant wife. Said wife is also the sister to her ex-best friend Katie whose engaged to her ex-boyfriend Max, still with me?

This chance meeting starts a catalyst that should never have happened. Electricity is literally flying when these two meet, and when they touch the atoms whizz around her body and they can feel reactions, they are connected without knowing how or why.  Traveler 'herded' Johanna into the future and he should not be able to possess this ability - so how? All he did was let go and kiss Johanna. Well, that was obviously just a bit silly! They really can't stay apart even though they are eons of years apart.

The book alternates from Johanna's point of view to Traveler as we watch them fall deeper in love and in danger. With this type of writing, it allows you to get to know the characters and to connect more with them. I love stories like this, and seem to be reading more books like this without even realising! I love the insights into other people minds, and this book allows this, I just wish I could have got into Arden's head!!  We have the main story and a few separate sub-stories which just completed this book. These stories helped solidify the two times, the world we know and creating a completely new world, giving the reader the ability to visualise it, as if you were a part of it to.

There are a few twists and turns in this book to keep you hooked on this book. The pace does not slow down and the love story..well it is definitely one for the ages...literally

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  • Started reading
  • 25 May, 2018: Finished reading
  • 25 May, 2018: Reviewed