Finding Serendipity by Angelica Banks

Finding Serendipity (Tuesday McGillycuddy Adventures) (Tuesday McGillycuddy)

by Angelica Banks

"When Tuesday McGillycuddy and her beloved dog Baxterr discover that Tuesday's mother--the famous author Serendipity Smith--has gone missing, they set out on a magical adventure. In their quest to find Serendipity, they discover the mysterious and unpredictable place that stories come from"--

When Tuesday McGillycuddy and her beloved dog, Baxterr, discover that Tuesday's mother, famous author Serendipity Smith, has gone missing, they set out on a magical adventure.

Reviewed by lisbethwhite on

4 of 5 stars

This was a delightful read. Much like the Thursday Next series from Jasper Fforde, Tuesday (our heroine) goes into the world that is the setting of her book. Unlike the Thursday Next books, it isn't littered with reference upon references, making it accessible to its younger audience. Regardless, the story-within-a-story device provided an enjoyable framework and I thoroughly enjoyed it.

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Reading updates

  • Started reading
  • 2 September, 2016: Finished reading
  • 2 September, 2016: Reviewed