Reviewed by ccdensmore on

4 of 5 stars

The Shiver Tree is a very sweet fantasy, adventure story about a girl named Kiana who is trying to stop the curses that are threatening her land, and put order back to Amarra. When she realizes a dark group, called the Deep Ones, has stolen something that could help save Amarra, she knows she must go on a journey to get it back. Along the way she discovers herself and makes some great friendships. This book is filled with fantasy, magic, adventure, bad guys, and hope that keeps you on the edge of your seat.
I really enjoyed this book and thought it was a happy, easy read. It had mild, clean content so could be easily enjoyed by a younger teen audience. I loved the way the elven Druids got their magic and thought it was really unique! I like how Kiana always stayed positive through all of her challenges and used her friends as a team. Even when bad things happened, they always worked through them. There were a lot of very unique elements in this book, that I haven't seen used before. This book also had a lot of great world building, but wasn't so full of detail that it took away from the plot.
The only thing I found challenging with this book was that sometimes it could be difficult to follow. I ended up taking notes and highlighting a lot so I could come back to make sense of some of the details. There were a lot of different characters like elves, werewolves, pirates, druids, sorcerers, dragons, and gnomes that sometimes seemed unnecessary. There were some loose ends and hints to a sequel, so maybe some of these things will help with the future plot.
Overall, I liked this story and thought it was a nice, pleasant read. If a second book was written, I would definitely read it!

Thank you Blackstone Publishing, Inc for providing this book for review consideration via NetGalley. All opinions are my own.

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  • 26 June, 2024: Finished reading
  • 26 June, 2024: Reviewed