Through the Zombie Glass by Gena Showalter

Through the Zombie Glass (The White Rabbit Chronicles, #2)

by Gena Showalter

Zombies stalk the night. Forget blood and brains. These monsters hunger for human souls. Sadly, they've got mine… 

Alice Bell has lost so much. Family. Friends. A home. She thought she had nothing else to give. She was wrong.  

After a new zombie attack, strange things begin to happen to her. Mirrors come to life, and the whispers of the dead assault her ears. But the worst? A terrible darkness blooms inside her, urging her to do very wicked things.  

She's never needed her team of zombie slayers more, but ultra bad-boy Cole Holland, the leader and her boyfriend, suddenly...

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Reviewed by Suz @ Bookish Revelations on

4 of 5 stars

Through the Zombie Glass is probably one of my most anticipated reads this year and it absolutely didn't disappoint. I was so incredibly excited to be able to read this, that the moment the book was within reach I pretty much devoured it in almost one sitting. Dark and vivid, alive with so much atmospheric energy, Through the Zombie Glass will take you on such a unique and thrilling adventure, that you won't be able to put it down until you have finished the last page. I simply marvel at the world that Gena Showalter has created in such delicious vivid detail. Alice's fears are illuminated through the darkness, with bits of light sprinkled throughout the novel, a vicious gnawing whisper urging her to do wicked evils pulls at the center of her gravity.

Alice's fears are intensely palpable and fiercely real, the frightening reality of the situation that she finds herself in is undeniably terrifying. The weight of the darkness gnawing at her from the inside, is almost too much for her to bare, and as Cole starts to withdraw from her everything around her starts to become bleak and too much at once. Zombies are gaining new found strength and she finds herself in need of her Zombie slayer's more now than ever. One wrong move could mean the end for them, which adds even more pressure to the ever growing weight of the world on her shoulders. Very much reminiscent of a show that I fell in love with years ago, Buffy the Vampire Slayer, the White Rabbit Chronicles, are just as addictive, quirky, deliciously dark, and highly addictive.

In this second installment to the series, Alice's emotional turmoil is at its highest and she is more vulnerable than she's ever been. Showalter does a magnificent job at exploring this world even further, plunging Alice to darker and more haunting depths, and creating such a compelling web of powerfully intense emotion, suspense, and adventure in her dark and thrilling modern re-telling of classic The Adventure of Alice in Wonderland. Fascinatingly creepy and full of non-stop action, Through the Zombie Glass is a book that will pull readers in from the beginning and hold them captive until the end. Epic is a word that I don't often tend to use when I'm reviewing a book, but it absolutely fits this one perfectly. From beginning until end, it is captivating and fantastic read.

If you are looking for a darker, more modern and intense take on Lewis Carol's classic, then this is the series that you've been waiting for. Definitely a brilliant and engaging series, that you'll fall in love with. The world is uniquely dark and alluring, the story is quirky and full of the unexpected, and the characters are amazingly easy to connect with and enjoy. I look forward to the next installment of this epic series.

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  • 12 September, 2013: Finished reading
  • 12 September, 2013: Reviewed