Reviewed by Cocktails and Books on

4 of 5 stars

MAKE YOU MINE was one of those books that had me laughing pretty much right off the bat. The things that would come out of the mouths of these characters had me wishing I could find that riverboat, because I know that would be a trip to remember.

Macy Beckett starts the DUMONT BACHELORS series with the second oldest brother, Marc, as he prepares for his first trip as the captain on the family's riverboat. Everything is set until his pastry chef becomes ill and the temp agency send the on person that's sure to turn his world upside...Allison Mauvis

Marc and Allison have history, which led to heartbreak for Allison when Marc ran off after their prom and for Marc, the belief that the Dumont family curse, courtesy of Allison's great-great-great grandmother is true. As adults, it's hard for either of them to deny their attraction to one another, no matter how much Marc fights it. And when strange things happen aboard the riverboat, it's more evidence of the curse and stands in the way of their relationship.

The story was very and the characters Macy Beckett creates are timeless, as they stay with you well after you finish the book. The humor and wit or the characters, along with the very enjoyable and hot romance between Marc and Allison, have me anxious to read the next book starring Allison's sister Devyn and Marc's oldest brother, Beau. This is definitely a book I recommend.

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  • 3 May, 2014: Finished reading
  • 3 May, 2014: Reviewed