12 Days at Bleakly Manor by Michelle Griep

12 Days at Bleakly Manor (Once Upon a Dickens Christmas, #1)

by Michelle Griep

A mysterious invitation to spend Christmas at an English manor home may bring danger...and love?

England, 1851: When Clara Chapman receives an intriguing invitation to spend Christmas at an English manor home, she is hesitant yet feels compelled to attend--for if she remains the duration of the twelve-day celebration, she is promised a sum of one thousand pounds.

But is she walking into danger? It appears so, especially when she comes face to face with one of the other guests--her former fiance, Benjamin Lane.

Imprisoned unjustly, Ben wants revenge on whoever stole his honor. When...

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Reviewed by readingwithwrin on

4 of 5 stars

Thank you to NetGalley and the publisher for an e-arc in exchange for my honest review.

Clara lost the love of her life and her family's fortune nine months ago. Now living with her aunt she is given an opportunity of a lifetime. All she has to do is stay at Bleakly Manor for the 12 days of Christmas and then she will get 500 pounds. With nothing left to lose she takes the chance and on arrival, she meets the other six guests
(Mr. Minnow, Mr. Pocket, Miss Scurry, Mademoiselle Pretents, and Mr. Tallgrass) all promised something different if they stay for the 12 days. With the owner of the house nowhere in sight and only a few members of staff, the guests wonder what exactly they are supposed to do during their time at Bleakly Manor. Each new days bring them a different task to complete and possibly new risks as well.

One thing that Clara was not expecting to happen was for her ex-fiancee Ben (we also get to see things from his point of view) to be there as well wanting his own freedom in exchange for making it to the end.

Overall I really liked this story. The mystery of why they were there and then the mystery that was just Clara and Ben's that shows why he had been arrested and charged with something he says he didn't do. The other guests I found to be enjoyable and at times it reminded me of the movie Clue (one of my all-time favorites). 12 Day's at Bleakly Manor is very fast paced and one that I did not want to put down. I would consider this a must read and it really made me happy to see the real 12 days of Christmas that happen after Christmas instead of before. (can we make that a thing again, please? The time after Christmas is always so sad when all the decorations come down.) I can't wait for the next book to see what happens and if Clara and Ben will be in that one as well.

"There was freedom if he stayed. Revenge if he didn't."

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  • Started reading
  • 11 December, 2017: Finished reading
  • 11 December, 2017: Reviewed