Reviewed by thebookdisciple on

4 of 5 stars

Untouchable Darkness reminds me why I love RVD books: her characters! The supporting characters have depth and personality that helps keep the story moving. It was easy to dislike Cassius in book 1 so getting to see more about him was interesting and you really do learn to love him. I love dual POV as well and for these books it is so important. You also get flashbacks into history to see events from Cassius' past.
The synopsis says it can be read as a stand alone but I disagree. You really have to read book 1 to understand the world that RVD has created here. Plus, the story starts where book 1 ended and you would be really confused about what was going on if you haven't read The Dark Ones. I loved the Dark Ones and Ethan/Genesis in particular. While I loved this book as well, I didn't love Cassius/Stephanie as much. I enjoyed them and liked them more throughout the book, but they just didn't compare to E and G for me.

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  • Started reading
  • 27 December, 2015: Finished reading
  • 27 December, 2015: Reviewed