The Reality Dysfunction by Peter F. Hamilton

The Reality Dysfunction (The Night's Dawn trilogy, #1) (Night's Dawn Trilogy (Subterranean Press), #1)

by Peter F. Hamilton

The Reality Dysfunction is a modern classic of science fiction, an extraordinary feat of storytelling on a truly epic scale.
Space is not the only void. . .

In AD 2600 the human race is finally beginning to realize its full potential. Hundreds of colonized planets scattered across the galaxy host a multitude of prosperous and wildly diverse cultures. Genetic engineering has pushed evolution far beyond nature's boundaries, defeating disease and producing extraordinary spaceborn creatures. Huge fleets of sentient trader starships thrive on the wealth created by the industrialization of entire star systems. And throughout inhabited space the Confederation Navy keeps the peace. A true golden age is within our grasp.

But now something has gone catastrophically wrong. On a primitive colony planet a renegade criminal's chance encounter with an utterly alien entity unleashes the most primal of all our fears. An extinct race which inhabited the galaxy aeons ago called it "The Reality Dysfunction." It is the nightmare which has prowled beside us since the beginning of history.

Reviewed by bettyehollands on

4 of 5 stars

The author does a great job of making you care deeply about characters after only a few short paragraphs, dropping you into the middle of their lives (and the universe) and letting you figure out the nitty gritty details. That being said, Josh Calvert is a huge Mary Sue (but perhaps a forgivable one). The author also does a great job at building the massive shared universe, but I didn't feel the normal sense of urgency or climax at the end of the book I normally do. Partly this could be due to my reading pace. I think this is may also be since the book is obviously part of a trilogy. However, this book was engaging and, knowing it won't be dragged out forever, I'm curious to read the next book. I have a few guesses of my own of what's been set up and will come to pass so I'd like to see if that's true. I'm especially curious to find out what happens to the myriad cast of characters.

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  • Started reading
  • 13 December, 2016: Finished reading
  • 13 December, 2016: Reviewed