Ice Trap by Kitty Sewell

Ice Trap (Star Trek: The Original)

by Kitty Sewell

Sent to the icebound planet of Nordstral to investigate a mysterious outbreak of insanity, the crew of the U.S.S. Enterprise(t) find themselves drawn into another, even deadlier mystery upon their arrival. A team of research scientists has disappeared on Nordstral's frozen wasteland, leaving no clue to their whereabouts, and no hint of their fate. WHile Uhura and Chekov tackle the mystery surrounding the scientists' disappearance, Kirk and McCoy search for the truth behind the outbreak of mental illness. But both teams soon find themselves in danger, as the planet undergoes a series of massive earthquakes and electromagnetic disruptions. Unable to contact he U.S.S. Enterprise, both teams must fight for their lives as they try to solve the mystery of Nordstral -- before the world tears itself apart!

Reviewed by ibeforem on

3 of 5 stars

This wasn’t too bad. It had its good and bad points. I didn’t really buy that Dafydd’s marriage was ever happy, but his actions in Canada were believable. It was an interesting conspiracy that I didn’t really figure out any sooner than he did. Some weak parts, but a worthwhile read overall!

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  • Started reading
  • 19 March, 2008: Finished reading
  • 19 March, 2008: Reviewed