Zenn Diagram by Wendy Brent

Zenn Diagram

by Wendy Brent

Eva Walker is a seventeen-year-old math genius. And if that doesn't do wonders for her popularity, there's another thing that makes it even worse: when she touches people, she sees a vision of their emotions. She can read a person's fears and anxieties, their secrets and loves... Then, Zenn walks into her life and she is instantly drawn to him, even more so, when she realises that he is the only one who is immune to her gift. When she discovers the history that links them though, the truth threatens to tear the two apart.

Reviewed by Sam@WLABB on

4 of 5 stars

Wait a second, as I wipe my tear...

This one just shot me right in the feels, and it gave me so much more than I expected.

Eva (Ev-ah) is a math genius with this mysterious psychic power, which makes touching people a very unpleasant experience. This inability to casually touch has left her with the label of a germaphobe and sort of isolated. Then she meets Zenn, and she finds that she would really like to touch somebody.

This book had just the right amount of weight. Although there were some very real issues addressed, they were not the main focus of the story. The story was about Zenn and Eva, and I was glad the author did not get sidetracked from this, because I loved their story.

Sidenote: My undergraduate degree is in Chemical Engineering and my graduate degree is in Science Education. The math geek in me was so delighted by this book. I mean, the math was strong.
"Trig. Calculus." I shrug. "I'm kind of an all-around math slut."

"Cosine," I say, and start to copy a problem onto the paper. "It's not just something your dad does on loans."

There are a lot of beautiful themes addressed here about forgiveness, sacrifice, family. It was very lovely and warmed my heart and all that other good stuff. I loved the twist, and I did not see this twist coming until Brant wanted me too (I think), and really liked how she tied it into other important parts of this story. (I know I am being vague, but I hate spoilers)
Oh, lordy. He's using match analogies. I think I'm in love.

Most of all, I loved Eva and Zenn. Eva just jumped off the page. She was smart, funny, witty, awkward. She was someone I would want as my own friend. She was grateful for what she had, and willing to give up her time, money, and the things she may have wanted to let those she loved get what they desired. She did it for her parents, siblings, Zenn, and Charlotte. She was quite a special heroine. And Zenn. Zenn, Zenn, Zenn. He was so charming and sweet. He also had to sacrifice his wants and desires, because of his life situation. He was willing to earn his own way, and he did not want pity. Actually, these two characters had a quite a few similarities and were just perfect together.
I think about when we met and I asked him his name and he made that Venn diagram with his hands. I probably fell in love with him right there on the sot. I think about how our circles once seemed to barely overlap. Two separate lives with a tiny sliver of math tutoring in common. But now it's like my whole circle and his whole circle are the same.....

And way to leave me with tears in my eyes and a huge smile on my face. That epilogue was everything.

Overall: a beautiful and moving story of love and sacrifice, that left me with a mile-wide smile.

**I would like to thank NetGalley and the publisher for the advanced copy of this book


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  • Started reading
  • 12 February, 2017: Finished reading
  • 12 February, 2017: Reviewed