Reviewed by kimbacaffeinate on

3 of 5 stars

We meet gung-ho U.S. Marshal Nick Brady. The man is yummy looking but has some issues. Nick has only been with the Marshals for six-months and has already made an impression with his superiors. Sadly, it is not good. While his intentions are good and he brings in fugitives, he tends to skirts the rules. He works cases not assigned to him and tags along with other teams. His leaders feel he will get either get himself killed or burn out. Nick receives orders to take a month vacation but of course, Nick cannot simply take a vacation. Nope he has to follow a lead. Nick was a little too cocky for my taste but his intentions are good and admittedly he could be adorkable.

Twenty-four year old Livy “Olivia Gallagher” lives in fear and has been in hiding for the past four years. A gang leader wants her dead and his reach extends into law enforcement. I loved Livy from the start, and even though I question how she handled the situation, she is tough as nails, hilarious and loves her cat. Anyone who loves and talks to their animals are okay in my book.

At Any Cost offered up delicious heat and there is no denying the sizzling attraction between these two. While I enjoyed the heated moments, it was their conversations, banter and Livy’s hilarious conversations about “Frank” that kept me reading.

I ended up skim reading some of hot sex scenes. (something I never do) Not because they were bad, because trust me, Baxter heats up my kindle just fine. It was just too much and I needed more balance between the suspenseful plot, character development, and sexy times. The suspense angle regarding Livy and the mobster was fantastic, but sadly, this took a third row seat behind the sexy times, the couple’s inner dialogue about coming clean and Nick’s issues.

Copy provided by publisher. This review was originally posted on Caffeinated Book Reviewer

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  • 24 April, 2016: Finished reading
  • 24 April, 2016: Reviewed