Reviewed by thebookdisciple on

1 of 5 stars

Let me lay out my issues: SPOILERS!!!

1. The characters were not forced into some post-apocalaptic event scenario. They chose to move to the wilds of Alaska and basically camp. So, the excuse that they were in a different situation than we can imagine? No. They could have VERY easily gone back to civilization.
2. The girl was 16. If I hear one more person defend this by saying "The age of consent in Alaska is 16" I will lose it because that is SO not the issue. The issue is that he is her father. At no age is that okay.
3. He rapes her. She even calls it that. Not only is it incest, its rape. Double bad.
4. The twist that is suppose to make less taboo really doesn't make a difference. He raised her as his daughter. She is his daughter. The simple face they don't share blood doesn't make it someone okay.
5. The trigger warning that the author includes is more of a challenge. She basically says that if you are close minded you can't handle it. Now, thats pretty broad and I know a lot of people like to think they are fairly open minded. However, when you are dealing with a subject that is THIS polarizing and potentially distressing to some, an appropriate, more specific warning is responsible and necessary. I think the author was being intentionally provocative and while I support books about all kinds of topics and feel that censorship is bad because it denies discussion, I do think that the author was careless about some readers feelings. Do I think that was intentional? I hope not; but, it is careless and provocative none the less.
6. The way the characters handle the depression of the mother is appalling. Its so disheartening to see the 'hero' and 'heroine' of a story treat someone with a mental illness with such disregard. How can anyone support any character who treats those in need with such callousness? The mother had depression. Her son had died. Her husband is obviously a pedophile. Of course she is depressed! But, instead of getting her help, they revel in her death. To me, that is just tasteless and cruel.

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  • 9 August, 2017: Reviewed