Reviewed by Melanie on

4 of 5 stars

This installment of Eternal Mates starts of in the bar known as Underworld, which has been prevalent in this series. Owen Nightingale is a human mercenary who goes after supernaturals. He seems to have no fear. When Cait comes into the bar running from one of the males of her own kind, Owen is intrigued. Cait hires him to kill the hellcat that is chasing her. Just because Cait hires a mercenary to help her with her issues, that doesn't make her weak. She is strong and able to take care of herself.

I really liked the species of the hellcat. They have two tails with blue fire on the tips. Oh, and there is blue fire around their mouths too. It was very interesting. The world of hell they live in was different as well.

I loved the two characters in this story. They were both strong and very fascinating. They both had secrets that I enjoyed watching unravel. The suspense of the story was consuming. However, the romance was rushed. These were two character who had never met and they jumped right in bed together. I guess that happens in real life too, but it was just too quick for me.

Overall, I still loved the world, characters and action-packed stories that Heaton continues to deliver in this series. These past few novellas that have been released this year have all been fun and quick reads that can be read as stand alone stories to get your started in this series.

**Book was provided to me by the author. This review is my opinion and was not requested or provoked in anyway by the author.

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  • Started reading
  • 24 February, 2015: Finished reading
  • 24 February, 2015: Reviewed