Reviewed by bamxo on

5 of 5 stars

I am absolutely in love with this book.
First off, the modern day, realistic acknowledgements in this book had me hooked from the start.
I related with the main descriptions in this story, I absolutely love metal. Slayer and Black Sabbath are right up there in my most played music.
The characters all had a theme, that theme was metalhead/the darkness within/cultish desires.

My favourite character in this story has to be Trent. His creepy, all knowing presence was fun to read. I wish I could have gotten more historical knowledge of his life, but I have a feeling that will be covered at a later date. Until then, I shall ponder the questions I have, and get excited for book 2.

The magic system in this book, was full of dark, spooky, witchy, otherworldly presences, that seemed to only affect a scarce few of the characters. I'm talking ouija, otherworldly voices, Curses, possession, mind control vibes. Just like a good supernatural story requires. The main focus of the story has the MFC, and new friends, seeking to join a creepy supernatural cult. Messing with unseen forces, with resulting chaos all round.

If you don't love satan, I would advise you to steer clear, this book is not for the faint hearted. There is some epic orgy, violent deaths, smutty moments, that a good Christian should definitely back away slowly from.

But to all my creepy satan/dark magic/gore fans, you will love this book. You will worship it's devilish goodness.
I will add this one to my recommended reads list, and I hope that I can share the love around.

My verdict: 5 epic shimmering stars, for this witchy dark fantasy. ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐

TW: death, murder, gore, sexual scenes (some FF), orgies, cults, disturbed characters, mental illness

P.s. Definitely recommend that you give it a read, I'm a new fan to Maria De Vivos work, and I look forward to gobbling up the rest of her books. I hope others will enjoy her 'crazy train' of thoughts.

I received a free copy of this book via Booksprout and am voluntarily leaving a review.

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  • Started reading
  • 22 November, 2024: Finished reading
  • 22 November, 2024: Reviewed