Reviewed by Eve1972 on

5 of 5 stars


How have I not read anything by this author before? Holy oversight Batman! This book was SO good. To be honest, I almost stopped reading a couple chapters in because I thought Vee would be too "alpha" for me. I prefer my heroines to be softer, but Vee turned out to perfectly combine both tough and vulnerable, so I am glad I stuck with it. And the hero...SMOKING HOT and alpha as f-ck. Rawr...(lol)

On top of all that main character goodness we also get a fantastically written book. It was well paced. The plot was super engaging and well developed. Tons of action. A little darkness. There was no OW or OM drama. Smokin' hot sex scenes. A great cast of secondary characters. I am DYING to get my hands on Raina and Mateo's book! So yea, I LOVED it and now I am off to devour book one.

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  • 10 February, 2019: Reviewed