Reviewed by thepunktheory on
I had a bit of trouble really getting into this book. I wasn't hooked from the begging and it took me a while to actually be intrigued by the story. For some reason, I kept putting it down after a chapter or two in favor of some other book. I don't even know why! It's not that it was bad or anything, I just wasn't really drawn in at first.
That being said, after about 1/3 of the novel, I did get excited. The world-building is rather interesting and I was curious to find out more. I still have many questions that demand to be answered though!
While the story is surprising and intriguing enough, I was so annoyed that -again - we have to suffer for a 100% unnecessary love story that doesn't even do anything to further the plot. Let's be real here, that book would have worked just as well with them being friends or whatever.
Why, oh why, does every YA book need to have some sort of love story, no matter how flimsy the plot of it?
I do, however, appreciate the plot twists that come our way. You couldn't tell how this thing would end, so after some initial difficulties, I couldn't put the book down. Obviously, there is going to be a sequel, as most of the questions I have are still unanswered and the world-building - although interesting enough - could really use another round of information.
Reading updates
- Started reading
- 19 March, 2020: Finished reading
- 19 March, 2020: Reviewed