Black Silk by Jan Gordon

Black Silk

by Jan Gordon

Victoria Hudson is 29 and lives in the kind of small town where everyone knows everyone else. She has two great loves in her life -- her cat, Mister, and reading books from her used bookstore. She doesn't see her life changing much in the future. She's stuck. Until one night when she's saved from probable danger by a mysterious stranger. ****** Steven Colburn has moved around quite a bit during his lifetime, never really finding a place where he felt he could be comfortable. Until he buys an old homestead, and fate steps in to forever change his life and that of one of the town's quiet entrepreneurs. A light but sexy romance with a paranormal twist. Adult content - not suitable for younger readers.

Reviewed by Linda on

4 of 5 stars

This was a hot, and very sweet were-story - very nicely written, although the font formats kept changing, and that was a little distracting.
The fluff scenes were very fluffy, and the whole plot was well done.

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  • Started reading
  • 11 November, 2011: Finished reading
  • 11 November, 2011: Reviewed