My Day with Gong Gong by Sennah Yee

My Day with Gong Gong

by Sennah Yee

A day in Chinatown takes an unexpected turn when a bored little girl makes a connection with her grandpa.

May isn't having fun on her trip through Chinatown with her grandfather. Gong Gong doesn't speak much English, and May can't understand Chinese. She's hungry, and bored with Gong Gong's errands. Plus, it seems like Gong Gong's friends are making fun of her! But just when May can’t take any more, Gong Gong surprises her with a gift that reveals he’s been paying more attention than she thought.

With lighthearted, expressive illustrations by Elaine Chen, this charming debut expertly captures life in the cityand shows how small, shared moments of patience and care—and a dumpling or two—can help a child and grandparent bridge the generational and cultural gaps between them.

A glossary at the end of the book features translations of the Chinese words from the story into Chinese characters and English.

Reviewed by annieb123 on

5 of 5 stars

Originally posted on my blog: Nonstop Reader.

My Day with Gong Gong is a sweetly funny illustrated story for the youngest readers written by Sennah Yee. Released 20th Dec 2020 by Annick Press, it's 36 pages and available in hardcover format.

This is a fun and heartwarming story to read aloud and will have the youngest helping to read it after a few readthroughs. The illustrations by Elaine Chen suit the text perfectly and lend a happy and whimsical feel to the story. May and Gong Gong might not have too many words in common, but they are learning from one another and discovering that they have a lot more in common than May originally thought.

While not entirely appropriate for bedtime reading (too many exciting and active bits (including pigeon poop!)), it would be a really superlative selection for afternoon or post-naptime or reading circle reading activities.

Fun and happy and beautifully illustrated along with some subtle lessons on trust and support from the ones who love and care for us as well as a few very simple Chinese words with Hanzi (characters).

Four stars. I really enjoyed this one.

Disclosure: I received an ARC at no cost from the author/publisher for review purposes.

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  • Started reading
  • 8 April, 2021: Finished reading
  • 8 April, 2021: Reviewed