Reviewed by Nadz@Totally Addicted to Reading on

4 of 5 stars

In "The Second Mrs. Strom," Kaira Rouda delves into the intricacies of relationships and the secrets that can destroy them. The story takes readers into a tense environment where the thirst for revenge turns into an all-consuming obsession.

I was unaware that 'The Second Mrs. Strom' was the sequel to 'The Best Day Ever,' which I hadn't read. Nonetheless, I had no difficulty following the story, as it functioned well as a standalone.

Paul and Cecilia are in Paris, celebrating their first wedding anniversary. Their union blossomed from a whirlwind romance that began when they met at the funeral of Esther, the elderly woman Paul dated for over a year. Paul inherited a fortune from her, and now he and Cecilia are reveling in the luxuries afforded by the inheritance.

While reading, I realized that Paul was a narcissist. Their marriage appeared to be fine in the initial stages, but then his true nature emerged. He tried to isolate Cecelia from the outside world, not wanting her to work or make friends. It was satisfying to discover that Cecelia was more perceptive than she appeared. Unknown to him, his wife was equally manipulative, enabling her to outwit him.

The tension between the two characters had me eagerly flipping the pages; I was keen to discover which manipulator would come out on top. The author skillfully interlaced numerous twists in the story, one of which revealed the profound extent of Cecelia's cunning.

Readers who enjoy stories that feature characters whose moral compass has gone awry will appreciate Paul and Cecelia. Secrets, lies and mind games were the themes that drove the story.

Overall, I found "The Second Mrs. Strom" to be an engaging read. So much so, that I am planning to read "The Best Day Ever" next.This review was originally posted on Totally Addicted to Reading

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  • 18 August, 2024: Finished reading
  • 18 August, 2024: Reviewed