Genesis by Helen Dennis

Genesis (River of Ink)

by Helen Dennis

What if a teenage boy washed up on the banks of the River Thames, soaked to the skin and unable to explain who he is?

What if the only clue to the boy's identity is a sketch he made of a strange symbol?

Who would help him? Who would hunt him?

Who is River Boy?

When a mystery teenage boy emerges from the River Thames drenched, distressed and unable to remember anything about himself, he becomes the focus of worldwide media speculation. Unable to communicate, the River Boy is given paper and a pencil and begins to scribble. Soon a symbol emerges,...

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Reviewed by wyvernfriend on

3 of 5 stars

Teenage amnesiac whose enemies want him to remember.

Features a mother whose cleaning obsession is scary and a deaf brother, who is a just happens to be deaf character.

Entertaining but somehow lacked something.

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  • Started reading
  • 9 April, 2016: Finished reading
  • 9 April, 2016: Reviewed