Reviewed by Cocktails and Books on

5 of 5 stars

4.5 Cocktails

This book is so much more than the title. Yes, the author used the "f" word **gasps**, but that one word does shape this book.

Liv and Luke have been best friends since they were young kids. They agree they couldn't get through life without the other in it. And when Liv finds herself bombing out in the dating world, her teasing comment about she and Luke becoming f-buddies suddenly holds a lot of interest for the both of them. And once they start down a certain path, they aren't sure why they never did it before.

Liv and Luke have deep feelings for one another, that was very clear. They worried that adding sex to their existing relationship was going to change things. But for them, it enhanced the bond they already had. They weren't afraid the other person was going to ridicule or belittle them as their explored whether Luke's sexual penashe was something Liv would like. That closeness make them admit some things about their feelings for each other that they may not have had the guts to do. Made them look at their relationship and realize what they had was either what they had been searching for or swore they didn't want.

I loved this book hard. Scott Hildreth has become a new favorite author of mine. He has an interesting voice and brings that little something to characters that always has me hooked. If you're looking for a read that's a little different, very hot, while at the same time very charming then pick up FUCK BUDDY. You won't be disappointed.

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  • Started reading
  • 22 February, 2016: Finished reading
  • 22 February, 2016: Reviewed