Dance of Shadows by Yelena Black

Dance of Shadows (Dance of Shadows)

by Yelena Black

Dancing with someone is an act of trust. Elegant and intimate; you're close enough to kiss, close enough to feel your partner's heartbeat. But for Vanessa, dance is deadly - and she must be very careful who she trusts . . .

Vanessa Adler attends an elite ballet school - the same one her older sister, Margaret, attended before she disappeared. Vanessa feels she can never live up to her sister's shining reputation. But Vanessa, with her glorious red hair and fair skin, has a kind of power when she dances - she loses herself in the music,...Read more

Reviewed by Kelly on

2 of 5 stars

Dance Of Shadows sounded intriguing. A romantic setting, a magical ballet performance and a love interest, and for the most part, it was. I loved the daily grind of the Academy, the professional dancers and students and the technical explanations, but I wished it had stayed within the contemporary genre and not ventured into the paranormal. It begun with shadows and whispers, but by the final few chapters, the magical setting that it was clinging to evaporated, and it felt like a complete farce.

Vanessa started with a mission to find her sister, but ended up being sidetracked, used as a doormat by the cardboard Zep, ditching her friends and begging for any bone that he would throw her way. A slightly older and more mature character with a spine would have made for a more likable protagonist. The bright sparks were gay dancer Blaine and the snippy Justin, but sadly, their characters were underdeveloped. I desperately wanted to fall in love with Dance Of Shadows, but I just couldn't. Unfortunately.

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  • Started reading
  • 20 August, 2013: Finished reading
  • 20 August, 2013: Reviewed