Reviewed by Lynn on

4 of 5 stars

My first impression when I began this book is that I'm immediately drawn to the writing style, as I'm willingly pulled into the storyline. Putting the book down before finishing it, wasn't an option.

It all started with a kiss when Jessa and Paxton meet at a field party in River Bluff, both instant drawn to one another. They then spend their senior year in high school as best friends, keeping their relationship strictly platonic. Then their lives take differing directions leaving them 2000 thousand miles apart, but not for long.

It is not difficult to feel instant empathy for Paxton. Yes, he's had more than is fair share of troubles to deal with in his life, but there is no doubting his caring, compassionate side. He's back in California living the life he loves, but craving the girl he left behind. Although there is a reason why he can't be where she is!

Jessa is sassy with a mouth to match. After high school she heads off to college with her boyfriend in-tow, only to realise when she arrives, that her relationship with him is just too claustrophobic. A mistake. She craves physical release with no-strings attached, but that becomes unobtainable when she is contacted by a friend of Paxton's who takes her under her wing.

Jessa finds instant rapport with Vi, but quickly realises that the Paxton she knows is a very person, as she is introduced to his lifestyle and friends in Chicago.

New Adult contemporary romance isn't a genre I usually read so the author did a great good job creating believable characters, that I, the reader could relate to. You'll find angst and humour, served along with plenty of raw emotion with an underlying feeling of the deep connection and undenyable chemistry Jessa and Paxton have for oneanother.

Rated : 4½ Stars

**ARC provided for an honest review**

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  • Started reading
  • 8 September, 2014: Finished reading
  • 8 September, 2014: Reviewed