Reviewed by stacey_is_sassy on

5 of 5 stars

Audio is definitely 5 stars too.

The narrator does a marvelous job giving the hilariously quirky Island a voice. Each chapter opening gives us a great example of the narrators talent. It wasn't unusual for me to laugh out loud because I just couldn't help myself. This led to some very embarrassing moments on my train trips to work.

I loved reading Spotless myself and listening to the audio, I loved it more.


I couldn't pick my favourite part of Spotless it was all good

I really, really enjoyed Spotless. This book had so many parts to it that I couldn't pinpoint exactly which part was my favourite. The beginning was hilarious, the middle was creepy bordering on psycho chicken, Hannibal grossness and the ending was action packed, guns blazing fast. Island, yes that's her name, is a quirky and nerdy virgin, who's looking for a love similar to her romance books. One day she returns home early from work to find a strange man in her apartment. At first she thinks he's there for her roommate Joy, but soon learns that March, his codename, is there for her. And while he's there...he might as well do a spot of cleaning. March is a hitman with a slight (MAJOR) OCD problem. In his case OCD stands for Obsessive Cleaning Disorder.

After a slight tussle, a major migraine and a cleaning frenzy, March kidnaps Island. He needs her to help recover something that was misplaced when Island's mother died fifteen years earlier. The kidnapping turns into a mad dash across the world, avoiding people trying to kill them, but also meeting some very interesting people too. Being stuck with March for days, and learning more about him, gives Island a case of Stockholm Syndrome. She's attracted to him and he shows a degree of interest in her too, but he pushes her away to get the job done.

I hated seeing Island hurt by not having her feelings returned, but I could also see that this wasn't the right time for Island and March. There are a couple of passionate kisses, but I'm hoping the next installment takes things further.

Island learns that her mother isn't who she thought she was. She looks back at her time with her mum and realises she'd missed obvious signs of a cover up. People have been, and still are keeping a lot of secrets. I'm not sure Island will ever get to the bottom of them all.

Honestly, this was one of the funniest and craziest books I've read in a long time. The characters are funny, but also vulnerable. The scenery throughout the different countries, as well as the action scenes are packed with descriptions that helped me experience and "see" their adventure. The feelings that the storylines evoked were deep. Crazy hat man made my skin crawl, Antonio and Paulie made me laugh and Kalahari and Ilan were sweet and I hope we get to see them again.

Spotless was an original and Camilla Monk has MAD skills. I can't wait to start Beating Ruby (Spotless 2) soon.

To buy Spotless from Amazon -

I’m an Aussie chick who loves to read and review romance, drink coffee, be a Style Setter and stalk David Gandy. To see more of my reviews, fashion, food and pervathons -

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