The Confidence Game by Maria Konnikova

The Confidence Game

by Maria Konnikova

Explores the psyches, motives, and methods of con artists to reveal why they are consistently successful, identifying common hallmarks of cons to share additional insights into the relationship between artists and victims.

Reviewed by adamfortuna on

3 of 5 stars

Some of my favorite stories center around con-men -- people who find a way to take advantage of others. In the movies this is generally robbing from the rich, but back here in reality this is people praying on the weak. This book is half history lesson of scams, and half analysis of them. The constraints and structure of a con is explored and deconstructed many times over, evaluating cons of different types.

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Reading updates

  • Started reading
  • 18 April, 2016: Finished reading
  • 18 April, 2016: Reviewed