Sweep of the Blade by Ilona Andrews

Sweep of the Blade (Innkeeper Chronicles, #4)

by Ilona Andrews

Maud Demille was a daughter of Innkeepers. She knew that a simple life wasn't in the cards, but she never anticipated what Fate would throw at her.

Once a wife to a powerful vampire knight, Maud and her daughter, Helen, had been exiled for the sins of her husband to the desolate planet of Karhari. Karhari killed her husband, and Maud had spent a year and a half avenging his debts. But now all the debts are paid. Rescued by her sister Dina, Maud had swore off all things vampire. Except she met Arland, the Marshal of House Krahr. One...

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Reviewed by booksandcats on

5 of 5 stars

I was disappointed at first when I realized this wasn‘t going to be about Dina, who I absolutely adored in the previous books, but I shouldn‘t have worried because Maud is awesome and kickass and this book is amazing and really entertaining.

I shouldn‘t be surprised as I have yet to read something by Ilona Andrews that disappointed me. Which is even more impressive considering that my expectations have risen with every one of their books, but they are always up for the challenge. I highly recommend the Innkeeper Series to everyone!

plus, Helen is about the cutest badass vampire child I have ever heard of.

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  • Started reading
  • 23 March, 2021: Finished reading
  • 23 March, 2021: Reviewed