Reviewed by Chelsea on

5 of 5 stars

What I Loved

Besides everything? This is the second time this author has completely blown me away! I find that she’s extremely great at making you feel all kinds of emotions. There were some parts that physically hurt and others made me so happy! You’re definitely on an emotional roller coaster during the whole book. I’m just really glad that everything turned out ok for mostly everyone. Also the epilogue was really cute! I love seeing a little glimpse into the future of my book characters!

I don’t normally read contemporary books so I’m not sure if what I’m saying is true, but I’ve never seen a plot like this in anything I’ve read before. The idea was really simple but nothing was easy for these characters and I loved that this story was about fixing relationships instead of breaking them. The relationship is broken from the start of the book so it was nice skipping that part and starting from a point where things could only be fixed. I loved that!

Honestly, it’s really hard to talk about this book because I don’t want to give away any details! Nothing! I think that not knowing anything when you start this book will only make you feel more during the course of reading it. The plot didn’t 100% blow me away but it was the little things here and there that made this a five star read for me. This plot would be nothing without the beautiful writing and the emotion the author puts behind everything. That’s why it got 5 stars from me.

Side note: That cover though! It makes me so happy!!

What I Didn't Like

The one and only thing I didn’t like about this book was that it used the line. The line that is in every YA book ever! The line was “I let go of a breath I didn’t know I was holding.” The book was doing so good until I saw that line! Still, with how this book was going, I didn’t let it affect my rating.

Who I'd Recommend To

I’d recommend this to any YA romance lovers who love complicated relationships. There’s nothing easy about the romance in this book and I think that’s why I loved it so much. It felt so real to me! Also if you’re a fan of gorgeous writing then pick this book up!

See full review at Books for Thought

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  • Started reading
  • 28 June, 2016: Finished reading
  • 28 June, 2016: Reviewed