Reviewed by Linda on

5 of 5 stars

This review was originally posted on (un)Conventional Bookviews
Lennon Reborn is the perfect ending to the Preload series! Heavy on emotions, this story was simply beautiful!


Lennon Reborn packed more than a few punches, and I was so emotionally involved in his story it was hard to put down. The story started with a loud bang, and includes some dark themes and might trigger some readers. If you want to know what kind of trigger, please contact me privately.

I think Lennon's backstory is the one that touched me the most. It's a wonder he could even function at all with all he had to go through as a young child, and then through several foster homes until he found the Preload guys.

Lennon Reborn not only touches on a lot of difficult themes, though. There is a lot of hope, a little romance, and a lot of personal work to make their own life better - both on Lennon's and Georgia's part. I'm not going to say much more, because I think that the story will have a greater impact on readers if they don't really know what to expect.

It's bittersweet to say goodbye to my Preload guys, but I hope Ms. Cole will grant her fans a wish for a little something with the band in the future. Plus, there was a little wink towards another series by Ms. Cole, and that also makes me think I haven't seen the last of this band yet.


Lennon, drummer extraordinaire, good friend, but bad with emotions.

Georgia, excellent doctor, but not so good at standing up for herself.

Writing style :

Lennon Reborn is written in close third person perspective, with an omniscient narrator who follows Georgia and Lennon.

Feels :

My heart shattered, like completely. But it was also put together again - and I was able to breathe normally by the end.

But goddamn, that fucking smile of hers was going to kill him. It crept under the first layer of his skin. He wondered if she even realized the way the tip of her nose scrunched up when she was happy.

"There's an... honesty about you I can't stay away from."
"So, don't," Georgia said as he placed his hand on her hip and stepped away.

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Reading updates

  • Started reading
  • 30 March, 2018: Finished reading
  • 30 March, 2018: Reviewed