A Seal's Fantasy by Tawny Weber

A Seal's Fantasy (Forbidden: A Shade Darker, #4) (Unrated!)

by Tawny Weber

Subject: Navy SEAL Lieutenant Dominic Castillo

Mission: Protect-not seduce! -his sexy target...

Dominic Castillo loves his SEAL team like brothers-except one, who made sure Castillo was left behind during the latest mission. But when his rival is kidnapped by a vicious drug lord, Castillo receives a black ops mission of his own: protect his rival's sister. And any mistakes will either result in her death... or his. Lara Banks clearly has no interest in being protected by a military man, especially an acquaintance of her estranged brother. So why is she doing her best to drive him crazy with pure temptation? Lara insists on having her naughty way with him-over and over-but is fulfilling their fantasies worth the price?

Reviewed by Nadz@Totally Addicted to Reading on

3 of 5 stars

Have you ever finished reading a book and when it comes to writing the review you are at a lost as to what to write? Well, that’s me with a Seal’s Fantasy. I guess it's because it did not live up to my expectations. After the high that I had experienced reading the previous installments, I was hoping that I would experience the same feeling with this title. However, that was not the case. Now, do not get me wrong. The story was not bad, but when compared to the previous installments, it fell short.
The story line was ok, but I was hoping for more details as it relates to Lara’s kidnapping and by extension the kidnapping of her brother. The romance between the main characters was non-existent. They were jumping each other bones within moments of meeting each other. Definitely did not leave any time for romance. They fell in love rather quickly and I felt cheated as I believed that their interaction could have been better developed.
I thought the characters were believable and it’s easy to understand why they behave the way they did. The male protagonist, Dominic Castillo is a Navy Seal and the point man for his team. He is the one everyone runs to when they need advice. He is sexy and good-looking, nonetheless I found him to be an arrogant jerk. He is full of himself and think he is God’s gift to women. He was not interested in having a committed relationship and his job provided him with the perfect excuse. Due to some unforeseen circumstances he found himself with the task of protecting his team mate and rival’s sister.
Lara Banks is from an affluent family. She left home at an early age to pursue her dream of dancing on Broadway. This was done against her parent’s wishes, which led to their relationship becoming strained. She has experienced some bad breaks, however she has always been able to bounce back. She is a real fighter. I admire her strength and her ambition. The thing that puzzled me though, was her eagerness to sleep with Dominic even after all the bad experience she had with men in the past and her vow to herself to avoid all men. I guess meeting a hot sexy and arrogant alpha male will make you forget all the plans you have made for yourself.
Dominic attempts at securing Lara initially provided some entertaining moments. The love scenes are passionate and sizzling hot.
Overall, this was an ok read. It was not my favorite, but it has not deterred me from wanting to read the next installment in the series.

NB. I received a complimentary copy in exchange for an honest review.

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  • Started reading
  • 29 September, 2014: Finished reading
  • 29 September, 2014: Reviewed