Reviewed by Canadian Girl Book Blog on

4 of 5 stars


Dean is preparing to head on vacation for a week to clear his head and figure out what he wants to do with his business and his life. That is until he is kidnapped by a gorgeous bounty hunter. Joelle is determined to prove to her brother that she can do bail recovery without getting into trouble until she comes face-to-face with a very sexy businessman who claims that everything is just a case of mistaken identity. Once Dean and Jo start to get to know each other and trust each other, all bets are off!




The title says it all, Hot and Sexy! Dean and Jo meet under peculiar circumstances with a dual case of mistaken identity. An instant attraction between them causes some serious sexual tension during their road trip from Seattle to San Francisco which eventually turns into burning hot chemistry. This was an energetic and entertaining beginning to the Some Like It Hot Series. This was my first novel by Erika Wilde and I am looking forward to more of her novels and this series.

*ARC was generously provided in exchange for my honest review*





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  • Started reading
  • 26 May, 2020: Finished reading
  • 26 May, 2020: Reviewed