Reviewed by Sam@WLABB on

5 of 5 stars

Rating: 4.5 Stars

Fleur wasn't really an activist, but she was stubborned and didn't like being told she could or couldn't do something. When a local boxing club advertised separate classes for women, all she heard was "girls can't hit", and Fleur was determined to show them they were wrong. What started out as a sort of protest turned into a life changing experience for Fleur.

• Pro: Fleur was stupendous! She was wry and witty and I loved her sense of humor. The growth she experienced in this book was tremendous. It was incredible to see how participating in a sport put her on this path to self discovery. She changed both physically and mentally, and she began to see herself and her place in the world in a very different way.

• Pro: Fleur had two besties, Blossom and Pip, who were so different from her, but also enriched her life in so many ways. They were steadfast friends, and even when they didn't seem 100% behind her, they were supportive. Blossom and Pip were also quite amusing and provided many, many laughs.

• Pro: Since all I knew about boxing was learned from Rocky movies, this book expanded my knowledge greatly. I enjoyed learning about the sport a lot more than I even thought I would, and I really felt like Easton did a great job pulling me into that world.

• Pro: I like English humor and found this book hysterical. I laughed often and audibly. It was exchanges like this, which kept me smiling: "Not everything in life has a metaphor in a Rocky film," Tarik said. "You're so wrong," I told him.

• Pro: One of the major things this book does is challenge gender norms. It was so refreshing to see a female character happy about gaining muscle, eating, eating, and eating some more to get her weight up. Fleur didn't buy into that dainty-girl garbage, and I loved her even more for it.

• Pro: The relationship that grew between Fleur and her parents really warmed my heart. Fleur began biking and this helped her connect to her dad. They would ride and chat, and I think she grew to understand both of her parents a lot more as she began to understand herself.

Overall: A hilarious and feel good tale of self discovery, which touched upon themes of family, friendship, and feminism.

*ARC provided in exchange for an honest review.


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  • 7 July, 2018: Finished reading
  • 7 July, 2018: Reviewed