Brina the Cat #1 by Giorgio Salati

Brina the Cat #1 (Brina)

by Giorgio Salati

Brina, a city cat, moved to the mountains with the owners for a summer holiday. Here she meets some stray cats who call themselves “The Gang of the Feline Sun". The new friends convince her to escape her owners and become a free cat. But while Brina enjoys her newfound freedom and all the new types of delectable bugs the countryside has to offer, her young owners are panicking over losing her, a member of their family. Brina must make a choice to live with her owners, where it’s safe (but confined) or go free in the wilderness. A heartwarming tender cat tale.

Reviewed by annieb123 on

4 of 5 stars


Originally published on my blog: Nonstop Reader.

Brina the Cat #1 is a fun graphic novel written by Giorgio Salati and illustrated by Christian Cornia featuring Brina the Cat's adventures in the countryside on holiday with her humans. Originally released in 2017 in Italy, this English translation, due out 14th Jan 2020 from Papercutz has 88 pages and will be available in hardcover and paperback formats.

This is a short and very sweet story about indoor cats and outdoor cats. Brina meets a gang of cats on vacation including a feral cat with a missing eye and bad attitude. Vespucci wants Brina to give up her pampered home life and run away from her humans and live wild. Her conflict and her interactions with the other cats of the gang of the feline sun makes for a fun adventure.

I'm looking forward to more from this series. Four stars.

Disclosure: I received an ARC at no cost from the author/publisher for review purposes.

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  • 16 December, 2019: Reviewed