The Witches of Cambridge by Menna Van Praag

The Witches of Cambridge

by Menna Van Praag

The Cambridge University witches have been meeting for as long as the university has been around - over 900 years - they meet mainly to discuss books, though they do so on the roofs of the colleges and they drink hot chocolate while up there. The members are limited and selective, only those invited can join. In 2014 this includes Kat (a great spell-caster and professor of mathematics), George (a professor of Classics & all-round witch who seems to have no special skills), Amandine (retired French Literature professor and psychic, Kat's mother) and Noa (student of history - who...Read more

Reviewed by wyvernfriend on

3 of 5 stars

The Witches of Cambridge are an unusual book discussion group, after all they're all witches, with different skills, only one of whom is male, all of whom have unusual gifts. The women are very varied and have different interests, skills and ages. All are looking for a future but they have to work for it.

The back cites Love Actually and P.S. I Love you for read-alikes and I would agree.

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  • Started reading
  • 26 October, 2016: Finished reading
  • 26 October, 2016: Reviewed