Succubus On Top by Richelle Mead

Succubus On Top (Georgina Kincaid, #2)

by Richelle Mead

Love hurts, and no one knows it better than Georgina Kincaid. If she so much as kisses Seth Mortensen, the shy, sexy writer she's been dating, she'll drain his life force. Admittedly, the shapeshifting and immortality perks of a succubus are terrific, but it's completely unfair that a she-demon whose purpose is seduction can't get down with the one mortal who accepts her for who she is. . .

It's not just her personal life that's in chaos. Doug, Georgina's co-worker at a local bookstore, has been exhibiting bizarre behavior, and Georgina suspects something far more demonic than...Read more

Reviewed by Berls on

4 of 5 stars

I'm continuing to enjoy the Georgina Kincaid series with this second book. I have to say, though, that I was hoping for a bit more in terms of storyline progression with this second book. Overall, I enjoyed getting to know the characters a bit better and the plot was good though - so I'm giving this 3.5 stars, as did Anne, who I buddy read this with.

At the end of the first book, I had a lot of unanswered questions about the world and especially Georgina's past. I did learn a bit more about where/when Georgina comes from, but I still want more. And I also learned more about this world - but just enough to add more questions than answers. What continues to befuddle me is how Georgina knows so little about her world. She's hundreds of years old and is just now asking these basic questions?

My other main problem is her relationship with Seth. I like Georgina, I really do. But she is who/what she is, and the result is that she can't give Seth what he deserves. So as much as I would like them to have their HEA, I feel really bad for Seth. Oh - and my only other problem, minor really - there was this drug storyline and Georgina was so angry about it and trying so hard to stop the problem... and then she (1) uses it and (2) cavalierly gives it to someone! Um... what?! It didn't jive for me.

Okay - all my issues aside, I did enjoy the story line. One of her old incubus friends comes to town (oh I'm not a fan of him at all, either btw lol) and he's on a mission to take down the leader of this religious (hate) group. I say (hate) because it's one of those groups that has a thin veil of a message of love and help over their hate speech. And he struggles A LOT to get her to fall prey to him. I enjoyed this story line and it's always good to see someone like that taken down. And the story line with the drugs was actually also very interesting - despite my 1 small qualm - and led to some new understanding about the world.

I am listening to this series, narrated by Elisabeth Rodgers. She does a really good job with the characters, and I think her voice perfectly suits Georgina. I plan to listen to the entire series (at 2x speed), especially if she continues narrating.

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  • Started reading
  • 25 December, 2021: Finished reading
  • 25 December, 2021: Reviewed